Life verse

2 Corinthians 12:9-10
But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my
power is made perfect in weakness"
... For when I am weak, then I am strong.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

a little bit of everything

So the past week has been a blur, mainly because I'm working like mad to get ahead in all of my schoolwork so that I can do nothing but simply enjoy being home in less than a week. But, even amid all of the work, a little play is necessary, right? Here's a look at a couple of things I've accomplished over the past several days...

"Boomer Sooner" in Arabic
Anyone who knows me knows that I will do just about anything for a free tshirt. ...and that there is no such thing as too many tshirts.

All I had to do to acquire this beauty was wear green and stop by the Saudi Student Association's tent in the South Oval on appreciate your culture day.

Just a few days ago, I again raided the South Oval for a free tshirt. This one is navy blue and advertises for the "Fitter Foods" program our cafeteria is promoting. Hey, free shirt. Need I say more?

Before Soonerthon 2013

Last Friday night, I had the opportunity to run in the Soonerthon 5K, which benefits the Children's Medical Center here in Oklahoma. It's an organization similar to USCA's dance marathon that I participated in back home during my undergrad college days.

Unlike many races that take place early in the morning, this one was set with a start time of 7:30pm so that the event's tagline "Keep Glowing" was actually possible. This was not the first evening race I'd ever run, but it was the first race I'd ever run while holding glow sticks... and wearing neon. Let's just say, I was visible.

Last Saturday was OU's second conference home game, this time against TCU. I've really enjoyed having a football team to cheer for on weekends, though the day is pretty much taken up with pre-game preparation and waiting in line to rush the stadium for (almost) front row seats. My friends and I have the whole stadium entrance thing figured out pretty well, as we had third row seats for the second time this year.

We also have fairly good luck at ending up in ridiculous situations that are just begging for a picture. Hence, this picture of the Taco Bell Fan of the Game. He was on the row behind us, so naturally I had to ask if we could take a picture with his taco. (This is the part where Brandy wonders what she did to deserve a wacked out roommate who takes pictures with foam tacos).

Fox Sports 1 was on site for broadcasting our game, so before we got in line outside the stadium, Brandy and I thought we'd check out the giveaways and games they had going on. We found this gigantic blue Transformer and got to fulfill our dream of being football players. Ehhh, just go with it, ok? 

At Fox Sports 1 with the Transformer

Trying out our football skills
It's also been neat to see all of the teams that seemed so foreign to me when I was on the East Coast in the middle of our ACC/SEC rivalries. For example, TCU just doesn't journey that far East, so this was likely my one shot at getting a photograph with their oh so photogenic horned-frog mascot.

One of my most-prized pictures to date
It was certainly not the easiest thing I've ever done. But I am woman. I will not be deterred.

OU/TX is this weekend, so I'll be venturing into another  new state for the first time. I can only imagine what's in store, and I cannot wait to share it with you.

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